Content: 24 mlIsopropyl Nitrite - CAS 541-42-4
Isopropanol - CAS 67-63-0
Are you ready for a full immersion in the Dark Room? Then crack it open and let its incredible aroma blow your socks off!
Since it was victim of its own success, Blue Boy Darkroom Poppers was sold out very quickly but is now finally back in a brand new bottle. The aroma will make you discover the other side of the leather clubs and gay bars, namely give you a safe space to fulfill your fantasies and kinks you have.
In the Darkroom, the best experiences will happen since you can't rely on your sense of sight, making your other senses more sensitive: smell, taste, hearing and touch are then used to their full potential as soon as you open up your bottle of Blue Boy Darkroom Poppers.
Of course, the smell of poppers will instantly make you more horny and full of lust for some hot sessions, on your own or with a partner. Masturbation with poppers is one of the best pleasures in life as it gives you incredible orgasms, that you can even combine with a cockring, a prostate massager or your favourite XXL dildo.
Inside, the isopropyl nitrite mixture is one of the strongest poppers on the market and you should store it in a cool, dry and dark place to keep it fresh for a longer period.